Sunday, November 9, 2014

Princes of the Yen

Princes of the Yen

"Central banks have the power to create economic, political and social change. This is how they do it." This passage opens the film, and that is precisely what non-partisan political and socio-economic documentarian group QueuePolitely puts under the microscope in the Princes of...

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from Top Documentary Films

Friday, November 7, 2014

The Geopolitics of World War III

The Geopolitics of World War III

Storm Clouds Gathering, known for its unorthodox analysis of news, politics, and geopolitical issues through documentary video content, takes a look at how the American media portrayal of why Russia and Syria are being accused of global aggression might differ from what is...

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from Top Documentary Films

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

The Camera that Changed the World

The Camera that Changed the World

Prior to 1960, cameras capable of capturing the moving image were cumbersome and clunky, devoid of the ability to capture anything more than staged drama in a studio. As the 1950's wound down, filmmakers in the U.S. and France had a burning desire...

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from Top Documentary Films

Monday, November 3, 2014

America's Surveillance State

America's Surveillance State

This six part documentary series, America's Surveillance State, dissects the United States' present surveillance condition. The thesis statement of the series is that privacy as we understand it is an antiquated fantasy - that we need to adjust our way of living to...

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from Top Documentary Films

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Courageous Learning

Courageous Learning

Courageous Learning is a documentary produced by Ellucian, a developer of software and management systems for higher education institutions, that aims to realign the present waning perspective on the importance of higher education in the United States today. Voiced by voiceover superstar Dennis...

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from Top Documentary Films