Friday, July 31, 2015

Iboga Nights

Iboga Nights   Can an African plant root known as iboga provide the cure for chronic drug addiction? Documentary filmmakers David Graham Scott seems to think so. In Iboga Nights, Scott sets out to observe the potency of the psychedelic root on several heartbreaking subjects who...

from Top Documentary Films

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Zero Days

Zero Days   The threat of compromised cyber security has become our planet's new weapon of mass destruction. The documentary Zero Days explores the growing concern that the disintegration of online safety has set the stage for potential physical dangers as well. "Our entire power supply...

from Top Documentary Films

Monday, July 27, 2015

Failure to Obey

Failure to Obey   Controversial regulations are currently threatening the sanctity of the Fourth Amendment around America's borders, and most of the country's citizens remain oblivious to the crisis. The searing documentary Failure to Obey seeks to rectify this through a first-hand account of these injustices. Nearly...

from Top Documentary Films

Saturday, July 25, 2015

Galapagos: Realm of Giant Sharks

Galapagos: Realm of Giant Sharks   Darwin Island, a remote oceanic region on the outskirts of the Galapagos Archipelago, is home to a growing population of great whale sharks. What is about this inconspicuous island - measuring just one square kilometer - that draws the sharks there? A team...

from Top Documentary Films

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Finding Traction

Finding Traction   Endurance runner and extreme athlete Nikki Kimball set a seemingly impossible goal for herself to become the fastest person in history to run the Long Trail - a 273-mile stretch which snakes across the rugged terrains of Vermont. Finding Traction follows every step...

from Top Documentary Films

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

The Human Robot

The Human Robot   The Human Robot explores the boundary between biological and mechanical intelligence through interviews with sociologists, roboticists, ethicists, and philosophers. Asking "how human is too human?" in regards to robot design, the film focuses primarily on Japanese culture and their positive attitude towards technology...

from Top Documentary Films

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Stopping HIV: The Truvada Revolution

Stopping HIV: The Truvada Revolution   Since the onset of the AIDS pandemic in 1981, medical researchers from all over the world have been searching for a means to prevent and cure the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV). This VICE documentary introduces viewers to Truvada, a medication that may be...

from Top Documentary Films

Friday, July 17, 2015

The Brain that Changes Itself

The Brain that Changes Itself   There's so much about the human brain that continues to baffle and mystify our top medical researchers, but one aspect of its complex design is starting to come into focus. Contrary to previous widely held beliefs, the human brain exists in a perpetual...

from Top Documentary Films

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

More Than a Game

More Than a Game   For some, gaming represents no more than a pleasant diversion. But the truly devoted gamers highlighted in the documentary More Than a Game live for the thrill of competition. They are the masters of their domain, and they enjoy a tremendous sense of...

from Top Documentary Films

Monday, July 13, 2015

The Year of Pluto

The Year of Pluto   This year marks a landmark event in the history of space exploration. After a nine year journey across the deepest stretches of the galaxy, a specially designed rocket will glide past the distant planet of Pluto on 14 July 2015. The new documentary...

from Top Documentary Films

Saturday, July 11, 2015

The City of Atlantis

The City of Atlantis   This episode of National Geographic's Naked Science centers on the fabled lost city of Atlantis, believed to have been destroyed by a natural disaster an estimated 11,000 years ago. The filmmakers explore ancient ruins in four Mediterranean and Caribbean locations in an effort...

from Top Documentary Films

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Money for Free

Money for Free   Money for Free makes the case for a new economic system intended to minimize financial inequalities by introducing viewers to the concept of a guaranteed basic income. By highlighting social experiments currently taking place, the filmmakers introduce viewers to some of the people...

from Top Documentary Films

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

The Simulation Hypothesis

The Simulation Hypothesis   Is everything an illusory simulation? Was the world created by a non-physical force that we can communicate with and possibly influence with our minds, thereby participating in the creation of our own reality? These are the grandiose existential questions central to this documentary,...

from Top Documentary Films

Sunday, July 5, 2015

The Road to Mosul

The Road to Mosul   This installment of Vice News puts viewers on the front lines of Mosul, where Kurdish soldiers known as Peshmerga are the only remaining ground forces fighting against the Islamic State (IS) in Northern Iraq. Reporter Aris Roussinos and his camera team join the...

from Top Documentary Films

Friday, July 3, 2015

Suit Up: 50 Years of Spacewalks

Suit Up: 50 Years of Spacewalks   2015 marks the 50th anniversary of the first American to walk in space. A new documentary commissioned by NASA titled Suit Up celebrates this historic event by featuring the accomplishments of those rare few who have experienced this thrilling form of space exploration....

from Top Documentary Films

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

The New Era of Canadian Sex Work

The New Era of Canadian Sex Work   The New Era of Canadian Sex Work is an insightful and educational look at those who consensually engage in sex work, and how the politicians behind Bill C36, also known as the Protection of Communities and Exploited Persons Act (PCEPA), fail to give...

from Top Documentary Films