Sunday, August 30, 2015

Ferguson: A Report from Occupied Territory

Ferguson: A Report from Occupied Territory   The United States is currently in the midst of a national dialogue regarding racial profiling and police brutality; a dialogue triggered by the killing of Michael Brown in August of 2014. Ferguson: A Report from Occupied Territory goes to the frontline of this...

from Top Documentary Films

Friday, August 28, 2015

What is Human?

What is Human?   This episode of National Geographic's Naked Science series examines one of humanity's greatest unanswered questions - when exactly was the transitional moment in our evolutionary history in which we became men? Experts examine the fossils of three of our predecessor species - Australopithecus...

from Top Documentary Films

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Hallucinogen Honey Hunters

Hallucinogen Honey Hunters   In Nepal, an isolated tribe known as the Gurung go on the hunt for a special honey perched high upon a series of cliffs. The honey is known for its extreme hallucinogenic potency, and is often taken for recreational use or medicinal purposes...

from Top Documentary Films

Monday, August 24, 2015

Hubble: Universe in Motion

Hubble: Universe in Motion   The Hubble Space Telescope is one of the towering scientific and technological achievements of our age, and it has deepened our capacity for observation and discovery beyond measure. The documentary Hubble: Universe in Motion probes the revelations brought forth from this breathtaking invention,...

from Top Documentary Films

Saturday, August 22, 2015

The Story of the Lost Nuke

The Story of the Lost Nuke   It's one of the worst case scenarios in the nuclear age, and it occurred on February 13, 1950. Flying over restricted airspace across the Canadian border, a United States Air Force bomber experienced massive engine failure, and the crew were forced to abandon...

from Top Documentary Films

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Cobra Gypsies

Cobra Gypsies   Filmmaker Raphael Treza traveled to northern India and lived among an ancient tribe known as the Kalbeliya for three months. Cobra Gypsies is the vibrant and enlightening document of that journey. The Kalbeliyas are a highly spirited people; ebullient in their celebration of...

from Top Documentary Films

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

El Chapo: CEO of Crime

El Chapo: CEO of Crime   Recent headlines have touted yet another prison escape by notorious drug trafficker Joaquin Guzman, otherwise known as El Chapo. The new documentary El Chapo: CEO of Crime explores the man behind these headlines, the unprecedented growth of his criminal empire, and his role...

from Top Documentary Films

Sunday, August 16, 2015

White Like Me

White Like Me   The continued prominence of racism is explored through the prism of white privilege in the engrossing documentary White Like Me. Based upon a book of the same name by anti-racist advocate Tim Wise, the film explores the many advantages afforded to whites throughout...

from Top Documentary Films

Friday, August 14, 2015

A Day in the Life of a Dictator

A Day in the Life of a Dictator   A probing documentary of great imagination and scope, A Day in the Life of a Dictator explores the mindset of three tyrannical leaders during periods of time that defined their reigns. The trio of dictators - Joseph Stalin, Idi Amin Dada and Muammar...

from Top Documentary Films

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Myths for Profit

Myths for Profit   Wide Open Exposure, a group of Montreal-based social justice activists, present Myths for Profit, a film that challenges the notion that Canada is a benevolent country with minimal involvement in global warfare. Claiming the Canadian government and its allies exploit this reputation for...

from Top Documentary Films

Monday, August 10, 2015

Krakatoa: The Great Volcanic Eruption

Krakatoa: The Great Volcanic Eruption   Krakatoa: The Great Volcanic Eruption takes viewers back in time to the first major volcanic event to gain global attention. This feature-length docudrama uses computer generated graphics and dramatic reenactments drawn from the narratives of preserved journal entries to chronicle the 1883 eruption...

from Top Documentary Films

Saturday, August 8, 2015

Power to the People

Power to the People   In the Netherlands, ordinary citizens are assuming responsibility for generating their own sources of energy through the installation of solar panels and wind turbines. This practice has grown into a widespread movement, and threatened the viability of traditional power companies in the region....

from Top Documentary Films

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Her War: Women Vs. ISIS

Her War: Women Vs. ISIS   In the Syrian town of Serekaniye, the people live under constant threat from the unimaginable atrocities of ISIS. The revealing documentary Her War: Women vs. ISIS places us directly in the belly of this region, and explores the surprising and significant number of...

from Top Documentary Films

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Superhuman: Iceman

Superhuman: Iceman   At first glance Dutchman Wim Hof is an average, affable guy, yet he is capable of extraordinary acts. Known as the "Iceman" due to his ability to control his core body temperature in extreme conditions, Superhuman: Iceman follows Hof as he trains Vice...

from Top Documentary Films

Sunday, August 2, 2015

God and the Scientists

God and the Scientists   Why are we here, how did we come to be, and can these common existential questions best be explained through faith or proven facts? Oxford University Professor of Neuroscience Colin Blakemore gives viewers an overview of Christianity's historically volatile relationship with science in...

from Top Documentary Films