Monday, November 30, 2015

Lost on the Atlantic

Lost on the Atlantic   Most of us are fed the same historical narrative that Christopher Columbus discovered America in 1492. One theory, however, poses a great challenge to this universally accepted recounting of history. Upon examination, American-bred tobacco seeds were discovered inside the mummified remains of Egyptian...

from Top Documentary Films

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Superhuman: Genius

Superhuman: Genius   Where does genius come from? Is it the byproduct of tireless work, developmental happenstance or divine inspiration? The documentary Superhuman: Genius explores this phenomenon by portraying the lives and accomplishments of five individuals for whom cerebral superiority is second nature. The film opens...

from Top Documentary Films

Thursday, November 26, 2015

Persian Legacy of the Flames

Persian Legacy of the Flames   Dominating a territory spanning from northern Africa to central Asia, Persia once reigned as the world's first universal empire. Its archaeological treasures are rich and continue to expose secrets of a history obscured since the overtaking of Persia by Alexander the Great in...

from Top Documentary Films

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

America's Unofficial Religion: The War on an Idea

America's Unofficial Religion: The War on an Idea   In America, socialism has become the ultimate dirty word. But is the attempt to vilify the concept of a socialist society due to a basic lack of understanding? The documentary short America's Unofficial Religion: The War on an Idea believes it is, and...

from Top Documentary Films

Sunday, November 22, 2015

The Smart State

The Smart State   Technologies like personal computers and smart phones have reshaped every corner of society. Figures like Apple co-founders Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak are commonly heralded as the god-like innovators of these planet shifting technologies, but the new documentary The Smart State makes a...

from Top Documentary Films

Friday, November 20, 2015

Plutocracy: Political Repression In The U.S.A.

Plutocracy: Political Repression In The U.S.A.   Income inequality has become a key hot button issue in the modern day political spectrum. While these economic and class divides seem more pronounced than ever before, the impressive new documentary Plutocracy: Political Repression in the USA reveals that the core of these...

from Top Documentary Films

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Ice Age Hunters

Ice Age Hunters   A testament to the enduring legacy of archaeological researchers throughout the generations, Ice age Hunters identifies profound connections between the monumental discoveries of yesteryear and the research efforts which continue to this day. The film opens in Hamburg, Germany during the 1930s where...

from Top Documentary Films

Monday, November 16, 2015

The Cleveland Strangler

The Cleveland Strangler   Anthony Sowell methodically targeted the most vulnerable residents of his destitute Cleveland neighborhood. In large part, his eleven known victims lived on the fringes of a society plagued by drug addiction and economic instability. If they existed under more affluent and privileged circumstances,...

from Top Documentary Films

Saturday, November 14, 2015

The Bitcoin Gospel

The Bitcoin Gospel   A devoted group of entrepreneurs and activists believe they see the writing on the wall, and they're determined to add a new chapter. In their view, the world banks and governments harbor too much control over the financial vitality of the masses. But...

from Top Documentary Films

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Aztecs: Sacrifice And Science

Aztecs: Sacrifice And Science   Many of the truths behind the existence of the Aztecs have been obscured by centuries of myth making and bald-faced fantasy. However, an accurate portrait of their culture may be drawn through careful examination of the Aztec codices, an ancient series of books...

from Top Documentary Films

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Enemy of Enemies: The Rise of ISIL

Enemy of Enemies: The Rise of ISIL   An Al Jazeera production, Enemy of Enemies: The Rise of ISIL attempts to retrace the stratospheric rise of the bloodthirsty terrorist organization, and speculate on the severe consequences that may still lie in their wake. A panel of experts from three different continents...

from Top Documentary Films

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Inside the Rhapsody

Inside the Rhapsody   The epic and operatic Bohemian Rhapsody - the signature song by the legendary British rock band Queen - is one of the best-selling singles of all time, and has become ingrained into popular culture like few other musical works from the previous century....

from Top Documentary Films

Friday, November 6, 2015

Low Carb Diet: Fat or Fiction?

Low Carb Diet: Fat or Fiction?   The low carbohydrate diet has become nothing short of a phenomenon in recent years. Many members of the dieting public have lost substantial amounts of weight adhering to a low carb regimen, and they've been assured that their new eating choices have also...

from Top Documentary Films

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

The Cross of the Moment

The Cross of the Moment   The Cross of the Moment investigates the environmental crisis in a wholly original and stimulating fashion. This feature-length documentary expresses an urgent need to correct the ill effects of climate change and environmental degradation, and explores the major stumbling blocks which have kept...

from Top Documentary Films

Monday, November 2, 2015

Al Qaeda Informant

Al Qaeda Informant   Did Ali Abdullah Saleh, the former president of Yemen, nurture the rise of the Al Qaeda organization, and work in concert with its efforts to reign terror in the region? This is just one of the explosive allegations brought forth by Hani Muhammad...

from Top Documentary Films