Thursday, March 31, 2016

Walking Heavy

Walking Heavy   Jason Coghlan was a gangster. As a young man, he gained a reputation as Britain's most dangerous criminal. His luck ran out in 1999 when he was convicted to a twelve-year sentence for armed robbery. Determined to reform himself following his release, he...

from Top Documentary Films

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

The Fire Breather: Donald Trump

The Fire Breather: Donald Trump   Can nothing stop Donald Trump? On his journey to securing the Republican party nomination for the next President of the United States, he has been plagued by never-ending waves of negative publicity; the level of which would sink any other candidate with ease....

from Top Documentary Films

Sunday, March 27, 2016

The Most Dangerous Town on the Internet

The Most Dangerous Town on the Internet   Ramnicu Valcea is a beautiful, modestly populated town in the center of Romania. Entirely pleasant and agreeable, the surroundings betray nothing remotely conspicuous to an outsider's eye. But this deceiving facade cloaks an underground society known as 'Hackerville', a home to some of...

from Top Documentary Films

Friday, March 25, 2016

Music on the Brain

Music on the Brain   In an advanced age home in Australia, a substantial number of residents suffer from dementia, a merciless disease which robs them of their memories and their ability to perform even the most rudimentary of daily functions. Caregivers work desperately to connect with these...

from Top Documentary Films

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Return of the Bible Plagues: Mosquitoes

Return of the Bible Plagues: Mosquitoes   On the surface, the match-up of man versus mosquito may sound like a comical notion, but it actually represents a grave challenge for countless people throughout the world. In some regions, the uncontrolled infestation of mosquitoes constitutes a major humanitarian crisis, and results...

from Top Documentary Films

Monday, March 21, 2016

Catastrophic Failure

Catastrophic Failure   It all began on November 5, 2015, with the collapse of a dam near an iron-ore mine in Brazil. That's when a river of toxic sludge came bursting forth; a stew of mud and mining waste that cost more than a dozen lives,...

from Top Documentary Films

Saturday, March 19, 2016

In Whose Interest?

In Whose Interest?   The United States proudly identifies itself as the major purveyor of peace and democracy across the world. But does this self-promoted image match up to their actual policies and military engagements throughout recent history, and is warfare actually a befitting means to achieving...

from Top Documentary Films

Thursday, March 17, 2016

From Girls to Men

From Girls to Men   The conversation surrounding gender identity issues has become more open and prominent than ever before, but severe misconceptions and prejudices still exist. For many, understanding and acceptance may only be possible when provided an opportunity to walk in the shoes of a gender-challenged...

from Top Documentary Films

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Money Bail

Money Bail   The premiere episode of a new series from VICE, Money Bail takes a sharp look at America's bail bonds industry, and finds a system that's rigged to take advantage of many of the country's most troubled and destitute citizens. Bail bondsmen are only...

from Top Documentary Films

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Here's to Flint

Here's to Flint   The water crisis that is currently gripping residents of Flint, Michigan is one of the most tragic predicaments of recent times. It is all the more tragic for being entirely preventable. The hot-off-the-press documentary Here's to Flint explores the events which lead to...

from Top Documentary Films

Friday, March 11, 2016

Einstein's Extraordinary Universe

Einstein's Extraordinary Universe   One hundred years have passed since Albert Einstein first unleashed his highly influential Theory of General Relativity unto the world. These revelations charted a future course of scientific pursuit, and never cease to inform our understanding of the universe today. In celebration of...

from Top Documentary Films

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Are All Men Pedophiles?

Are All Men Pedophiles?   The provocatively titled documentary Are All Men Pedophiles? is no less provoking and challenging in its content. The filmmakers sift through the history of ancient customs and human development in their attempts to gain a fresh perspective on the worrisome phenomenon of pedophilia....

from Top Documentary Films

Monday, March 7, 2016


Wi-Fried?   Mobile technologies have shaped our way of life, but are they also discreetly killing us? That's the question raised by the new documentary short WI-FRIED?, a thought-provoking look at the secret dangers which may lurk in the midst of our globally connected society....

from Top Documentary Films

Saturday, March 5, 2016

Jiu-Jitsu vs. the World

Jiu-Jitsu vs. the World   For the wildly devoted Jiu-Jitsu practitioner, the Brazilian martial art represents much more than simply a discipline of self-defense. It's a path to self-realization. Jiu-Jitsu vs. the World, an ambitious new documentary directed with passionate care by Dan Lewis, mines the sport for...

from Top Documentary Films

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Making a Murderer: Eighteen Years Lost

Making a Murderer: Eighteen Years Lost   The highly acclaimed Netflix original documentary series Making a Murderer has riveted millions of armchair sleuths and ignited a grassroots movement around the plight of its principle character - Steven Avery. Sent to prison for a sexual assault against which he unwaveringly protested...

from Top Documentary Films

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Super Comet

Super Comet   Scientists believe that an asteroid impacted the planet over 65 million years ago and effectively wiped out most of all life in its wake, including the entire dinosaur population. Is it only a matter of time before Earth is struck by another asteroid...

from Top Documentary Films