Thursday, June 30, 2016

The Jihadist Next Door

The Jihadist Next Door   Radical Islamist organizations are sprouting up all over the world; perhaps even in your own backyard. The author of this film attempted to infiltrate one such extremist group in Britain. Over the course of two years, he gained unfettered access to their inner...

from Top Documentary Films

Monday, June 27, 2016

Live Long Die Young

Live Long Die Young   In research facilities across the globe, scientists have found a way to extend the life span of a typical laboratory mouse by up to 50%. Could the same result be made possible for humans? Live Long Die Young, produced by the Australia-based ABCTV...

from Top Documentary Films

Saturday, June 25, 2016

The Romanovs

The Romanovs   An elegantly produced documentary divided into eight parts and running nearly seven hours in length, The Romanovs beautifully encapsulates the epic story of the Russian Dynasty over the course of over three hundred years. The first episode opens in 1613 with the crowing...

from Top Documentary Films

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Black Holes and the High Energy Universe

Black Holes and the High Energy Universe   The most powerful and violent events are not Earth-bound. They're taking place right now in space. The mysteries of the violent and highly magnetized objects in our universe set the foundation for the new documentary short titled Black Holes and the High Energy...

from Top Documentary Films

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Maternity Leave

Maternity Leave   The young mother returned to work three months after giving birth. She was wracked with guilt over leaving her infant son in the care of strangers, but grudgingly accepted that it was the reality for working parents living in the United States. Tragically,...

from Top Documentary Films

Sunday, June 19, 2016

Brexit: The Movie

Brexit: The Movie   Should Britain stay in or exit the European Union? On June 23, 2016, voters can voice which side of the issue they fall on when they take part in a public referendum. In the lead-up to this crucial vote, the new feature-length documentary...

from Top Documentary Films

Friday, June 17, 2016

The Road to Fallujah

The Road to Fallujah   VICE News travels to one of the world's most dangerous war-torn regions in The Road to Fallujah, a searing account of the Iraqi battle to win back areas which have been overtaken by the Islamic State. With brute force and merciless violence, ISIS...

from Top Documentary Films

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Offline is the New Luxury

Offline is the New Luxury   We've all witnessed it in restaurants, family gatherings or special events. Resembling hordes of mesmerized zombies, nearly every face we see is buried in the hypnotic glow of their smart phone or tablet. Is there any escape? The new documentary titled Offline is...

from Top Documentary Films

Monday, June 13, 2016

The Slum

The Slum   An epic document of living conditions within one of the world's poorest regions, The Slum is human drama of the highest order. Produced in six parts by Al Jazeera, the film allows us to experience the totality of what it means to live...

from Top Documentary Films

Saturday, June 11, 2016

State of Surveillance

State of Surveillance   As you read this, your government could be thumbing through your contacts, reviewing your text messages and uploading the photos you have stored on your phone without your knowledge. This is the new reality in a post-9/11 age. Most citizens around the globe...

from Top Documentary Films

Thursday, June 9, 2016

A Simpler Way: Crisis as Opportunity

A Simpler Way: Crisis as Opportunity   A feature-length documentary directed by Jordan Osmond and Samuel Alexander, A Simpler Way: Crisis as Opportunity takes us to Gippsland, Australia, where residents have fully embraced the notion of a simpler existence far from the maddening crowds and stress-inducing cityscapes. Part of a...

from Top Documentary Films

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

When a Mother's Love is Not Enough

When a Mother's Love is Not Enough   Rosa Monckton is the mother of a teenage daughter with Down syndrome. Her emotionally involving documentary When a Mother's Love is Not Enough isn't just about the struggles and triumphs of her experience, but the plights facing all parents of disabled children, as...

from Top Documentary Films

Sunday, June 5, 2016

Cash for Kim

Cash for Kim   In 2014, at a colossal shipyard in Gdynia, Poland, a welder suffered an on-the-job accident which cost him his life. Upon investigation, it was discovered that the victim was an immigrant from North Korea who was sent to work at the shipyard under...

from Top Documentary Films

Saturday, June 4, 2016

Fallen Angels

Fallen Angels   The children stare at the camera and address a father figure they're never likely to meet. These are the orphaned children who populate the city of Angeles in the Philippines, and their stories are told in the new documentary Fallen Angels produced by...

from Top Documentary Films

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Locked Off

Locked Off   A co-production of VICE News, Locked Off investigates the rave party scene in the United Kingdom, its evolution since the 1980s, and its chances of survival in the coming years in the face of constrictive government regulations. Fearful over increased drug abuse and...

from Top Documentary Films