Sunday, July 31, 2016

The Story of Technoviking

The Story of Technoviking   The Story of Technoviking is a fun and thoughtful look at how one piece of internet content garnered a massive global audience, what the material in question reveals about the online users who propagated it, and the murky waters of intellectual property...

from Top Documentary Films

Thursday, July 28, 2016

Shenzhen: The Silicon Valley of Hardware

Shenzhen: The Silicon Valley of Hardware   The center of the technology world may not lie in California's Silicon Valley, but in the bustling marketplace of Huaqiangbei, a subdistrict of Shenzhen in China. This is where curious consumers and industry insiders gather to feast their eyes and wallets on...

from Top Documentary Films

Monday, July 25, 2016

Great Big Beautiful Tomorrow

Great Big Beautiful Tomorrow   Volumes have been written about the life and work of Walt Disney, but little attention has been given to his formidable skills as a futurist. Great Big Beautiful Tomorrow is an informative and attractively produced new documentary that focuses on Disney's commitment...

from Top Documentary Films

Friday, July 22, 2016

Cocaine: History Between the Lines

Cocaine: History Between the Lines   The cocaine industry is littered with unimaginable sums of cash and more than 35,000 murders in the past five years. Much of this violence occurs on the border between the United States and Mexico. This is just one aspect of the cocaine...

from Top Documentary Films

Monday, July 18, 2016

The Haystack

The Haystack   The modern era of sophisticated hacking techniques, and the increasingly dangerous terrorist organizations that often employ them, demand a new approach from law enforcement. That's why the British Parliament is currently reviewing the Investigatory Powers Bill, a crucial piece of legislation that...

from Top Documentary Films

Saturday, July 16, 2016

Chechnya: Republic of Contrasts

Chechnya: Republic of Contrasts   In the aftermath of two wars, Chechnya is haunted by memories of great desolation and turmoil. But today, it's become a visiting ground for celebrities. A bustling haven for growing infrastructure, and home to one of the largest mosques in Russia. The...

from Top Documentary Films

Wednesday, July 13, 2016


Kayenta   There are few communities in the United States more majestic than Kayenta. Located in southern Utah, Kayenta is distinguished by its glorious natural vistas. The clay-colored landscape, rolling prairies, and imposing red rock cliffs inspire a feeling of inner peace bordering on...

from Top Documentary Films

Sunday, July 10, 2016

What Is Wrong With Islam Today? (Debate)

What Is Wrong With Islam Today? (Debate)   For many years, the worldwide perception of Islam has become more confused and problematic than ever before. In the wake of radicalization and terrorist attacks, the customs and beliefs of the ancient religion have come under intense scrutiny. Defenders of Islam have...

from Top Documentary Films

Thursday, July 7, 2016

Submarines: In Enemy Depths

Submarines: In Enemy Depths   Cold War tensions were perhaps never more tremulous than beneath the chilling depths of the ocean waters. This little-discussed aspect of the conflict between the East and West - a period of time marked by threats of mass casualties and nuclear devastation...

from Top Documentary Films

Monday, July 4, 2016

The Hacker Wars

The Hacker Wars   An eye-opening feature-length documentary, The Hacker Wars explores the duality of the modern-day hacker, and the government's response to their activities. The film profiles a few of the highest profile hackers who have tackled the secretive inner workings of corporations and governmental agencies,...

from Top Documentary Films

Friday, July 1, 2016

Secret Societies and Biblical Prophecy

Secret Societies and Biblical Prophecy   Are the End Times near? Is the evidence supported biblical prophecy to be found scattered throughout our history? Meticulously researched and assembled, Secret Societies and Biblical Prophecy is an ambitious feature-length effort that travels as far back as 5,000 years ago to ponder...

from Top Documentary Films