Friday, September 30, 2016

Gun Nation

Gun Nation   First published in 2000, Zed Nelson's book of photography titled Gun Nation became a seminal perspective on America's enduring gun fetish. In the years since, the country's love of guns is more prominent than ever before, as is the annual number...

from Top Documentary Films

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Great Lakes, Bad Lines

Great Lakes, Bad Lines   Many environmental documentaries recount the aftermath of a grave disaster. Great Lakes, Bad Lines is refreshingly different in this regard. The film concerns the inevitable erosion and malfunction of Enbridge Line 5, a Canadian-owned pipeline that stretches across over 500 miles...

from Top Documentary Films

Saturday, September 24, 2016

Death by China

Death by China   When China joined the World Trade Organization in 2001, bolstered by the unwavering support of both Democrats and Republicans in the United States government, America was promised a new wave of growth and prosperity for its own people. In the 15...

from Top Documentary Films

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Chevron vs. the Amazon

Chevron vs. the Amazon   The oil industry giant Chevron began operating in Ecuador's Amazon rain forest in 1964. Over the course of thirty years, this majestic environmental wonder became the victim of unregulated corporate abuse and greed. By the time the corporation vacated the area...

from Top Documentary Films

Sunday, September 18, 2016

Plutocracy II: Solidarity Forever

Plutocracy II: Solidarity Forever   Income inequality may be a hot topic during the current American election season, but it's also a stark reality that has plagued the country for hundreds of years. That sad history foreshadows what many are still grappling with today. The feature-length...

from Top Documentary Films

Thursday, September 15, 2016

My Ballot

My Ballot   Money and politics seem to be unavoidable bedfellows in the modern age. Sadly, the obscene sums spent by political campaigns every election cycle do little to directly benefit the American public. The wealth divide in the country has only widened, and...

from Top Documentary Films

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

China vs. USA: Empires at War

China vs. USA: Empires at War   Is a war between China and the United States imminent? According to the documentary China vs. USA: Empire at War, mounting evidence suggests that the U.S. may be in secret preparations for such a conflict. In a post-9/11 world, America has...

from Top Documentary Films

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Hans Zimmer Revealed

Hans Zimmer Revealed   He's one of the great chameleons of the silver screen. He's given musical voice to subjects as varied as professional race-car drivers, estranged siblings, military leaders, the Caped Crusader, the Man of Steel, and a certain legendary sleuth. But who is...

from Top Documentary Films

Friday, September 9, 2016


Pyramids   Even after more than four thousand years, the Pyramids in Egypt continue to inspire awe and wonderment for their sheer size, complexity, and the lingering questions and myths regarding the manner in which they were constructed so long ago. With no...

from Top Documentary Films

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

The Caliph

The Caliph   Al Jazeera's ambitious new three-part documentary series The Caliph pieces together a rich history that officially endured over the course of thirteen centuries. At times, this history has been perverted for savage purposes, as seen in recent years with the rise...

from Top Documentary Films

Monday, September 5, 2016

Dopesick: Fentanyl's Deadly Grip

Dopesick: Fentanyl's Deadly Grip   An all-too-commonly prescribed opioid for those suffering from severe chronic pain or undergoing a surgical procedure, fentanyl is now one of the most abused substances on the street. Many times more potent than heroin, it's also significantly more dangerous. As the...

from Top Documentary Films

Saturday, September 3, 2016

Fix It: Healthcare at the Tipping Point

Fix It: Healthcare at the Tipping Point   The average American family of four incurs an annual healthcare insurance tab of $23,000. In many cases, this astronomical sum doesn't afford them nearly enough coverage for emergency medical care. That's just one of the startling realities presented in Fix It:...

from Top Documentary Films

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Kim Jong Un: The Unauthorized Biography

Kim Jong Un: The Unauthorized Biography   What do we really know about North Korean leader Kim Jong Un? We may glimpse flattering images from his own self-produced propaganda, and we may be aware of the villainous lore which has mushroomed around his identity in the West, but...

from Top Documentary Films