Sunday, October 30, 2016

The Boy Who Can't Forget

The Boy Who Can't Forget   For many of us, there are moments in our lives that we'd rather forget. But that isn't an option for Aurelien, a 20-year old student who resides in Durham, England. Possessed with the power of near-perfect recall, he can recite specific...

from Top Documentary Films

Thursday, October 27, 2016

A Very Sicilian Justice

A Very Sicilian Justice   The quest for justice can be deadly. Just ask Antonino Di Matteo, the chief prosecutor in a high profile case involving police, politicians and notorious mafia hoods. In the heart of Palermo, Sicily, he attempts to persevere in his professional duties...

from Top Documentary Films

Monday, October 24, 2016

Welcome Back, Big Tobacco

Welcome Back, Big Tobacco   Is there such a thing as a safe cigarette? Every year, millions die from smoking-related illnesses. Meanwhile, Big Tobacco continues to peddle their products to nearly a billion smokers worldwide with little accountability. In this climate of devastating addiction and astronomical...

from Top Documentary Films

Friday, October 21, 2016

Escape! From the Cult of Materialism

Escape! From the Cult of Materialism   In the western world, the accumulation of wealth has become the ultimate symbol of success. According to the new documentary Escape! From the Cult of Materialism, this unquenchable thirst for more has made slaves of us all, and suppressed the most...

from Top Documentary Films

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Making Dogs Happy

Making Dogs Happy   How well do you really know your dog? You're likely to reassess your understanding of man's best friend after watching Making Dogs Happy, a playful and informative new documentary from Australia's ABC-TV Catalyst series. The film pairs three dog owners with...

from Top Documentary Films

Saturday, October 15, 2016


Gatekeeper   Retired police detective Yukio Shige is haunted by the memories of those he could not save. He frequently keeps watch on the Tojinbo Cliffs which overlook the sprawling Sea of Japan, seeking any opportunity to save someone from self-inflicted peril. Surrounded...

from Top Documentary Films

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

A Fighting Chance

A Fighting Chance   For competitive athletes - particularly those who hail from the most impoverished regions - the road to Olympic glory is paved with seemingly insurmountable obstacles. But every four years, hopefuls from around the world set out to overcome these odds in...

from Top Documentary Films

Sunday, October 9, 2016

Tashi and the Monk

Tashi and the Monk   Nestled deep within the foothills of the Himalayas, Jhamtse Gatsai is one of the most extraordinary and inspiring communities you're likely to witness. It's led by Buddhist Monk Lobsang, a renowned spiritual teacher who works to create a reality of love...

from Top Documentary Films

Thursday, October 6, 2016

A New Story for Humanity

A New Story for Humanity   Marked by bustling metropolitan cities and modern technologies, Western culture feels as though it exists on a separate plane from nature. As a result, pollution levels are perilous, animal and sea life is waning, and climate change is a very real...

from Top Documentary Films

Monday, October 3, 2016

The Man with the Seven Second Memory

The Man with the Seven Second Memory   According to his son, Clive Wearing was at one time an "intellectual colossus". He was also a highly acclaimed conductor and musician. Then, in 1985, a virus left sections of his brain severely impaired, particularly those responsible for memory retention. As...

from Top Documentary Films