Sunday, December 30, 2018

The Story of Tetris

The Story of Tetris
Sometimes a game is much more than just a game. In the swelter of the Cold War in 1984, a puzzle enthusiast by the name of Alexey Pajitnov created a new video game that continues to enthrall millions of players around the globe. As the U.S. and Soviet Union were embroiled in a match of wills with potentially catastrophic global consequences, Pajitnov's creation...

from Top Documentary Films

Friday, December 28, 2018

In the Name of Science

In the Name of Science
In the midst of World War II, Reich University was positioned to be the central hub for spreading the Nazi ideology to future generations. Staffed by a team of German intellectuals who were sympathetic to the cause, the university's mandate was severely compromised upon the Allied occupation of Strasbourg in November of 1944. In the Name of Science attempts to...

from Top Documentary Films

Monday, December 24, 2018

Pale Blue Dot: Humility

Pale Blue Dot: Humility
The long-awaited second part of the unauthorized documentary series based on Carl Sagan's groundbreaking 1994 book has arrived. The insightful Pale Blue Dot: Humility examines how our perspective on the vastness of the cosmos has shaped our shifting sense of self through the ages. Pieced together as a mosaic of pop culture clips, historical stills and footage,...

from Top Documentary Films

Saturday, December 22, 2018

The Reality of #VanLife

The Reality of #VanLife
An increasingly popular trend, van living is a great way to meet new people, enjoy unfamiliar experiences, and see different parts of the world. At least that's the theory. Forrest Stevens attempted to live the life of a van dweller, but the experiment left him a bit disillusioned. Determined to uncover the appeal of this unusual lifestyle, he pointed his cameras...

from Top Documentary Films

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Inequality: How Wealth Becomes Power

Inequality: How Wealth Becomes Power
Wealth inequality is an issue throughout much of the world. Its prominence is particularly troubling in one of the wealthiest countries - Germany - as the divide between the rich and the poverty-stricken is rapidly deepening. The astute documentary Inequality: How Wealth Becomes Power examines the possible explanations for this widening gap. Which factors might come...

from Top Documentary Films

Saturday, December 15, 2018

The Exodus Decoded

The Exodus Decoded
Filmmaker Simcha Jacobovici regards The Book of Exodus not as a biblical text of parables, but as actual historical truth. He spent six years investigating the text's many fantastical accounts - the series of plagues and the parting of the Red Sea, for example - and believes he's found real-world explanations that authenticate the veracity of each tale. His findings...

from Top Documentary Films

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

George Shelley: Learning To Grieve

George Shelley: Learning To Grieve
As a former contestant on the United Kingdom version of The X Factor, a member of the popular boy band Union J, and an accomplished radio host, George Shelley has known worldwide fame and adulation. In the spring of 2017, he also became acquainted with unbearable heartbreak when his sister Harriet perished in a freak road accident. George Shelley: Learning to Grieve...

from Top Documentary Films

Sunday, December 9, 2018

A World Without Money

A World Without Money
Plastic swipes, chip readers and mobile apps have transformed the way consumers transact. They enjoy the convenience, speed and efficiency of living in a post-cash world. A World Without Money examines this new reality, and probes the potential benefits and drawbacks of living in a cashless society. For the older generation, cash in hand provides a sense of security...

from Top Documentary Films

Thursday, December 6, 2018

Antisemitism in Europe

Antisemitism in Europe
More than 70 years after the horrific events of the Holocaust, a new strain of antisemitism is spreading across various regions of the world. Never is this more apparent than in Europe, where an uptick in hate crimes and incendiary rhetoric mark a disturbing trend. Produced by the DW Documentary series, Antisemitism in Europe travels to Berlin, Paris and Warsaw to...

from Top Documentary Films

Monday, December 3, 2018

Trump/Russia: Moscow Rules

Trump/Russia: Moscow Rules
A production of ABC News Australia, Trump/Russia: Moscow Rules examines the allegations of collusion in the 2016 United States presidential election, the threats they pose for the future of western democracy, and the ultimate motivations of its central perpetrator - Russian President Vladmir Putin. Putin, having always regarded the United States with suspicion, was...

from Top Documentary Films

Friday, November 30, 2018

Black Sheep

Black Sheep
At a young age, Cornelius Walker underwent a profound crisis of identity. After being exposed to the murder of an 11-year old boy much like himself in his hometown in London, Cornelius' family swiftly relocated to the suburbs. It was there that he first encountered ugly displays of flagrant racism. Struggling to find his place in an uncertain world, he attempted to...

from Top Documentary Films

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

War Crimes of the Liberators

War Crimes of the Liberators
In the heat of World War II, as millions perished to defend the cause of global freedom and democracy, an insidious rash of war crimes were occurring undeterred in plain sight. In the midst of war's insanity, many brave young men committed heinous acts they would likely find unimaginable in more civilized settings. Not surprisingly, most of these incidents were never...

from Top Documentary Films

Saturday, November 24, 2018

Slave to the Algorithm

Slave to the Algorithm
We live in a data driven world. When computers made their emergence in the mainstream, society generally viewed them as a convenience that would ease the process of problem solving and decision making. Today, computers are often making decisions for us, and frequently in ways that we cannot immediately detect. Slave to the Algorithm reveals this disturbing trend that...

from Top Documentary Films

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Iron Kingdom

Iron Kingdom
At the World Peace and Unification Sanctuary, God's kingdom on Earth can only be attained through a well armed militia. Based in Pennsylvania, this small church glories in the queasy connections between God and guns. In the wake of the Parkland massacre and other related horrors, the church has garnered intense scrutiny as a potentially damaging fringe cult. The...

from Top Documentary Films

Sunday, November 18, 2018

Power's War

Power's War
One of Arizona's deadliest shootouts occurred in February of 1918. As the United States began their foray into World War I, the Power family committed the crime of abstaining from the military draft. A family of miners who lived in an isolated cabin in Rattlesnake Canyon, father Jeff and sons Charles, John and Tom were surrounded by law enforcement on the morning of...

from Top Documentary Films

Saturday, November 17, 2018

Borneo Death Blow

Borneo Death Blow
The author of Cobra Gypsies and Hallucinogen Honey Hunters spent three months with the Penan tribe of south Malaysia producing "Borneo Death Blow", a fascinating dive into an exotic culture and landscape. A once thriving tribe of 15,000 has diminished considerably over the years as deforestation has scattered, displaced and destroyed many of its members. Their...

from Top Documentary Films

Monday, November 12, 2018

DMT: A Lost History

DMT: A Lost History
Dimethyltryptamine, or DMT, can be found in many plants and animal species, but its effects are said to be as rare and powerful as the divine. When ingested, this molecule can induce a profound psychedelic experience filled with mystical hallucinations and fleeting surges of euphoria. From its use in ancient rituals to its modern day scientific applications, DMT: A...

from Top Documentary Films

Friday, November 9, 2018

Strange Love

Strange Love
Any followers of 90's tabloid fodder know the name of Mary Kay Letourneau. A 34-year old teacher outside of Seattle, Washington, Letourneau began an illicit affair with a 12-year old student name Vili Fualaau. After becoming impregnated by him, she was charged with two second degree counts of child rape. Strange Love catches up with these notorious figures more than...

from Top Documentary Films

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

The Rise of Fentanyl

The Rise of Fentanyl
Opioid abuse has become the leading cause of death among Americans under 50. The bloodline of this epidemic has spread to regions all across the country, but Interstate 95 serves as its main artery. Stretching from Florida to Maine, the Interstate is home base for drug traffickers, and it's where cameras follow the trail of death and devastation in the sobering...

from Top Documentary Films

Saturday, November 3, 2018

I Want My Sex Back

I Want My Sex Back
Author Rene Jax knew she was living in the wrong body as a young boy. By the time she hit her thirties, she decided to undergo an operation to become a woman. She's regretted that decision every day since. Her story, and others like it, populate the probing documentary I Want My Sex Back. Gender transition is a hot button issue in our modern era. As the public...

from Top Documentary Films

Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Archeology 2.0

Archeology 2.0
Archeology 2.0 explores the means by which modern technologies are helping us to uncover the secrets of our past like never before. Northwest of Dublin, archeologists examine a series of tombs that were first constructed thousands of years ago. Valuable evidence of this ancient life lies deep underground. Using a wheeled apparatus adorned with highly sensitive...

from Top Documentary Films

Sunday, October 28, 2018


Salem, New Hampshire appears idyllic from the outside. Beautiful fall colors blanket the landscape, and the town resembles a picture-perfect snapshot of suburban bliss. But this façade masks a trauma that festers in plain sight. The searing documentary Hometown exposes the crippling effects of the opioid epidemic in this small town and others surrounding it. A...

from Top Documentary Films

Thursday, October 25, 2018

Nancy Wake: Gestapo's Most Wanted

Nancy Wake: Gestapo's Most Wanted
Nancy Wake was a crusading journalist who became one of the most respected and feared secret agents during the German invasion of France. A leading figure in the French Resistance, she was deemed the White Mouse by the Gestapo due to her uncanny ability to elude capture. Nancy Wake: Gestapo's Most Wanted is a revealing take on this beautiful, brash and brave...

from Top Documentary Films

Monday, October 22, 2018

America's Deadliest Disaster

America's Deadliest Disaster
Volatile weather events continue to dominate the news and decimate cities across America. But perhaps they all pale in comparison to one such event which took place in the year 1900. A hurricane smashed across the hugely popular city of Galveston, Texas, and it took the lives of over 8000 residents. America's Deadliest Disaster recounts the horrific impact of this...

from Top Documentary Films

Friday, October 19, 2018

The Monsanto Papers

The Monsanto Papers
Glyphosate, more commonly known as Roundup®, is the most widely used herbicide on the planet. It's also the central cash cow for the agrochemical giant Monsanto. Undeniably effective in controlling the growth of crop-destroying weeds, the chemical is also the main culprit in a series of suspected risks to humans, animals and the environment in general. The Monsanto...

from Top Documentary Films