Thursday, May 31, 2018

Forever Young

Forever Young  
Want to live forever? Immortality might be closer than you think. Forever Young explores the movement to not only expand life expectancy, but to craft a genetic reality that allows us to stay young for longer stretches of time. This growing field of research and...
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from Top Documentary Films

Monday, May 28, 2018

Jordan Peterson: Truth in the Time of Chaos

Jordan Peterson: Truth in the Time of Chaos  
A professor of psychology at the University of Toronto, Jordan Peterson set off a firestorm in 2016 when he publicly denounced Canada's Bill C-16, a law that protected gender expression and identity. Protesting the use of special pronouns designed to describe...
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from Top Documentary Films

Friday, May 25, 2018

World War Z: Rise of the Undead

World War Z: Rise of the Undead  
From video games to big screen epics to weekly television fare, the zombie craze has reached a fever pitch. "World War Z: Rise of the Undead" looks behind the fiction to explore whether these nightmare scenarios might be possible in the real world. What results is an...
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from Top Documentary Films

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Shanghai: Life in the Megacity

Shanghai: Life in the Megacity  
"Shanghai: Life in the Megacity" offers a glimpse at the quality and pace of daily life in China's most populated metropolis. Beneath the breathtaking skyline of gleaming glass high rises and pulsating neon, 24 million residents work to raise their families, make ends...
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from Top Documentary Films

Saturday, May 19, 2018

American Sheriff

American Sheriff  
Bristol County Jail in North Dartmouth, Massachusetts is undergoing an unprecedented crisis. Inmates in the institution are committing suicide in record numbers. Lawsuits are piling up as grieving families seek answers and accountability. For many, the buck stops with...
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from Top Documentary Films

Thursday, May 17, 2018

Who was Karl Marx?

Who was Karl Marx?  
His teachings continue to inspire, challenge and scandalize people throughout the world. Two hundred years after his birth, the documentary "Who Was Karl Marx?" examines the life of this infamous German philosopher, and explores why his controversial theories continue...
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from Top Documentary Films

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

H.O.P.E. What You Eat Matters

H.O.P.E. What You Eat Matters  
If you want to change the world, look no further than your dinner plate. According to the stirring feature-length documentary "H.O.P.E. What You Eat Matters", that's where the potential for meaningful transformation lies within reach for all of us. The film tackles...
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from Top Documentary Films

Thursday, May 10, 2018

One Killer Punch

One Killer Punch  
Split second decisions can forever alter the course of your life. Sometimes, they can even mean the difference between life and death. The haunting "One Killer Punch" recounts three such stories that ended in bewilderment, loss and overwhelming grief. In each of these...
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from Top Documentary Films

Monday, May 7, 2018

The Curse of the Methuselah Tree

The Curse of the Methuselah Tree  
In the arid and inhospitable California desert stands a bristlecone pine tree with the mythical name of Methuselah. At nearly 5,000 years of age, it had long been thought to be the oldest living organism on our planet. Pre-dating the construction of the pyramids and...
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from Top Documentary Films

Friday, May 4, 2018

Bitcoin: Beyond the Bubble

Bitcoin: Beyond the Bubble  
If the notion of bitcoin intrigues you, yet you find yourself intimidated by the complicated techno-jargon surrounding it, then the documentary "Bitcoin: Beyond the Bubble" is for you. This incisive overview explains the intricacies of the cryptocurrency in an...
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from Top Documentary Films

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

False Flag Hoaxers

False Flag Hoaxers  
From Columbine to Sandy Hook to Parkland, Florida, the scourge of mass school shootings has left many citizens across the U.S. in a state of perpetual mourning, and has ignited a fuse of urgent activism in many others. "False Flag Hoaxers" is about a much different...
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from Top Documentary Films