Friday, November 30, 2018

Black Sheep

Black Sheep
At a young age, Cornelius Walker underwent a profound crisis of identity. After being exposed to the murder of an 11-year old boy much like himself in his hometown in London, Cornelius' family swiftly relocated to the suburbs. It was there that he first encountered ugly displays of flagrant racism. Struggling to find his place in an uncertain world, he attempted to...

from Top Documentary Films

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

War Crimes of the Liberators

War Crimes of the Liberators
In the heat of World War II, as millions perished to defend the cause of global freedom and democracy, an insidious rash of war crimes were occurring undeterred in plain sight. In the midst of war's insanity, many brave young men committed heinous acts they would likely find unimaginable in more civilized settings. Not surprisingly, most of these incidents were never...

from Top Documentary Films

Saturday, November 24, 2018

Slave to the Algorithm

Slave to the Algorithm
We live in a data driven world. When computers made their emergence in the mainstream, society generally viewed them as a convenience that would ease the process of problem solving and decision making. Today, computers are often making decisions for us, and frequently in ways that we cannot immediately detect. Slave to the Algorithm reveals this disturbing trend that...

from Top Documentary Films

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Iron Kingdom

Iron Kingdom
At the World Peace and Unification Sanctuary, God's kingdom on Earth can only be attained through a well armed militia. Based in Pennsylvania, this small church glories in the queasy connections between God and guns. In the wake of the Parkland massacre and other related horrors, the church has garnered intense scrutiny as a potentially damaging fringe cult. The...

from Top Documentary Films

Sunday, November 18, 2018

Power's War

Power's War
One of Arizona's deadliest shootouts occurred in February of 1918. As the United States began their foray into World War I, the Power family committed the crime of abstaining from the military draft. A family of miners who lived in an isolated cabin in Rattlesnake Canyon, father Jeff and sons Charles, John and Tom were surrounded by law enforcement on the morning of...

from Top Documentary Films

Saturday, November 17, 2018

Borneo Death Blow

Borneo Death Blow
The author of Cobra Gypsies and Hallucinogen Honey Hunters spent three months with the Penan tribe of south Malaysia producing "Borneo Death Blow", a fascinating dive into an exotic culture and landscape. A once thriving tribe of 15,000 has diminished considerably over the years as deforestation has scattered, displaced and destroyed many of its members. Their...

from Top Documentary Films

Monday, November 12, 2018

DMT: A Lost History

DMT: A Lost History
Dimethyltryptamine, or DMT, can be found in many plants and animal species, but its effects are said to be as rare and powerful as the divine. When ingested, this molecule can induce a profound psychedelic experience filled with mystical hallucinations and fleeting surges of euphoria. From its use in ancient rituals to its modern day scientific applications, DMT: A...

from Top Documentary Films

Friday, November 9, 2018

Strange Love

Strange Love
Any followers of 90's tabloid fodder know the name of Mary Kay Letourneau. A 34-year old teacher outside of Seattle, Washington, Letourneau began an illicit affair with a 12-year old student name Vili Fualaau. After becoming impregnated by him, she was charged with two second degree counts of child rape. Strange Love catches up with these notorious figures more than...

from Top Documentary Films

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

The Rise of Fentanyl

The Rise of Fentanyl
Opioid abuse has become the leading cause of death among Americans under 50. The bloodline of this epidemic has spread to regions all across the country, but Interstate 95 serves as its main artery. Stretching from Florida to Maine, the Interstate is home base for drug traffickers, and it's where cameras follow the trail of death and devastation in the sobering...

from Top Documentary Films

Saturday, November 3, 2018

I Want My Sex Back

I Want My Sex Back
Author Rene Jax knew she was living in the wrong body as a young boy. By the time she hit her thirties, she decided to undergo an operation to become a woman. She's regretted that decision every day since. Her story, and others like it, populate the probing documentary I Want My Sex Back. Gender transition is a hot button issue in our modern era. As the public...

from Top Documentary Films