Tuesday, January 29, 2019

True Sight

True Sight
In the summer of 2018, tens of thousands of rabid fans congregated in Vancouver's Rogers Arena for one of the largest sporting competitions of the year. Gleefully applauding while donning team jerseys, they resembled any enthusiastic crowd on game day. But this was no ordinary sporting event. This was The International, an annual tournament that welcomes a global...

from Top Documentary Films http://bit.ly/2MCOSXL

Saturday, January 26, 2019

Operation Infektion

Operation Infektion
Fake news is a true phenomenon. While deception and disinformation is nothing new, it seems to have infected our media and public discourse like never before. It now has the power to erode democracies, inform government policy, and control large regions of the population. Russia has perfected the art of this new kind of war like no other country. Produced by The New...

from Top Documentary Films http://bit.ly/2RPt4Ow

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

The Dark Side of Tulum

The Dark Side of Tulum
Tulum, Mexico is rich with history and natural beauty. But it's also on the verge of ecological collapse. The new documentary The Dark Side of Tulum explores the hidden plague of pollution on the island, and what it means to the future of this popular paradise. The first segment of the film spotlights the island's most notable claims to fame. Tulum is home to the...

from Top Documentary Films http://bit.ly/2Tbm9Mm

Sunday, January 20, 2019

Trump's Trade War

Trump's Trade War
Produced by VICE News, Trump's Trade War travels across the United States to gain insights on the winners and losers of our present-day global trade dysfunction. During his campaign and throughout his young presidency, Donald Trump has repeatedly promised a tougher stance on global trade. Allies and critics agree that he has delivered on that promise. Set off by the...

from Top Documentary Films http://bit.ly/2W5DO9S

Thursday, January 17, 2019

The Angel Chronicles

The Angel Chronicles
Where do angels come from? We're all familiar with their iconography, but many have likely not questioned their origins. Their images are closely associated with the lore of Christianity, and their influence has informed some of the most inspired and influential works of art across the centuries. The Angel Chronicles explores how the image of the angel has evolved...

from Top Documentary Films http://bit.ly/2RuT2Xk

Monday, January 14, 2019

Bringing Down a Dictator

Bringing Down a Dictator
Bringing Down a Dictator recounts an extraordinary period of recent history in Yugoslavia. The film focuses on a group of ordinary citizens who overcame their fear and voiced their dissent from Serbian President Slobodan Milosevic. The group they formed was named Otpor! (the Serbian word for 'resistance'), and it was initially structured as a student protest...

from Top Documentary Films http://bit.ly/2SUheyW

Saturday, January 12, 2019

Nothing to Hide

Nothing to Hide
Anytime you go online, you're not alone. Your internet activity is likely being tracked by the prying eyes of corporations and the security branches of government. It's an insidious form of spying that remains invisible to most. Others claim they couldn't care less who is watching or gathering data from their internet searches. After all, they claim, they have no...

from Top Documentary Films http://bit.ly/2RmRTkC

Tuesday, January 8, 2019


The vegan movement is becoming more mainstream by the day. Whether consumers switch to a plant-based diet due to health concerns or out of protest against animal cruelty, vegans are challenging the status quo in the food industry. Corporations and certain political powers are on the ropes, and they're working to shift the tide back in their favor with uninformed and...

from Top Documentary Films http://bit.ly/2C73cDe

Saturday, January 5, 2019


Programmer Terry A. Davis spent ten years developing his own unique operating system. Eventually dubbed TempleOS, the system was limited in its presentation and capabilities, but its intended purpose was loftier than most. It was designed as a representation of the third temple as prophesied in the Bible. Following a series of public eccentricities and outbursts,...

from Top Documentary Films http://bit.ly/2AwwXgx

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Searching for... Kanye

Searching for... Kanye
Kanye West is perhaps the most provocative and controversial pop culture icon of the day. The public perceptions of West are all over the map. Many fans praise his genius for creating challenging and outside-the-box art. Others find his unwavering self-assuredness unappealing and insultingly egomaniacal. In the midst of his recent political proclamations that run...

from Top Documentary Films http://bit.ly/2QiifPx