Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Paul Kingsnorth: Portrait of a Recovering Environmentalist

Paul Kingsnorth: Portrait of a Recovering Environmentalist
An acclaimed novelist and poet, Paul Kingsnorth has also served as one of the most vocal and determined environmental activists. He inspired many throughout the world with his thoughts on conservation, and his belief that humanity could play the key role in saving the world from the ravages of climate change. But that was yesterday. In the vpro documentary Paul...

from Top Documentary Films

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Let There Be Life

Let There Be Life
Quantum physics, the field of science that studies the unpredictable behavior of subatomic particles, could hold the answers to many of life's most confounding secrets. So says noted physicist Professor Jim Al-Khalili. As host of the intriguing documentary Let There Be Life, Al-Khalili exits the sterile and highly controlled laboratory environment to test the...

from Top Documentary Films

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Omnipotent Amazon

Omnipotent Amazon
It's an Amazon world, and we just live in it. Industrialization has given way to a new age where data rules the day, and Amazon stands at the mountaintop of that phenomenon. Consumers appreciate their vast selection of products, the fairness of their pricing options, and the convenience of fast delivery. The company is so popular that they now control nearly half of...

from Top Documentary Films

Monday, May 20, 2019

In-Vitro Meat

In-Vitro Meat
The global desire for animal meat is an insatiable one. Over 50 billion animals are killed each year to meet these demands. Beyond the obvious cruelties indicated by that statistic, the process also raises concerns for food safety, represents a massive waste of resources, and contributes profoundly to the ongoing climate change crisis. But a new solution is rearing...

from Top Documentary Films

Friday, May 17, 2019

Einstein's Nightmare

Einstein's Nightmare
The true nature of the smallest elements that make up our universe - the atoms, photons and electrons - has long mystified and tormented our greatest scientists. Are they ruled by order or by mere chance? The answer could reshape our perception of reality. This field of science is known as quantum mechanics, and it was major point of debate between acclaimed...

from Top Documentary Films

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

The Village above the Clouds

The Village above the Clouds
Perched atop the mountainous terrain of Laos, the Laovan family goes about their every day in much the same manner as their most ancient ancestors. Their lives are defined by their customs and rituals, most of which have no relation to the comforts and conveniences of modern existence. But all of that might change soon as they face a crossroads in their lives. The...

from Top Documentary Films

Saturday, May 11, 2019

Dirty Business

Dirty Business
The booming recycling industry is paved with good intentions. Unfortunately, this same industry has also paved our international shores with mountainous heaps of discarded trash. Produced by Sky News, Dirty Business examines the journey our recyclables take after they're picked up by our local waste management professionals. Most of us want to play our part in...

from Top Documentary Films

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

91% - A Film about Guns in America

91% - A Film about Guns in America
91% is a tale two tragedies. The initial tragedy lies in the gun-related murders of sons, daughters and others who found themselves on the wrong end of a crazed shooterќs weapon. The second tragedy lies in the warped essence of modern American politics where special interests and incessant inaction rule the day. The opening moments of the film work to humanize an...

from Top Documentary Films

Sunday, May 5, 2019

The Insect Apocalypse

The Insect Apocalypse
Insects aren't given the respect they deserve. Some may regard them as annoyances, or might overlook them altogether, but the members of the insect population play an essential role in the comforts and ultimate survival of the human species. In short: we disrespect them at our peril. Produced by the DW Documentary series, The Insect Apocalypse examines the dramatic...

from Top Documentary Films

Thursday, May 2, 2019

Seeing the Beginning of Time

Seeing the Beginning of Time
How did the intricate dance between the planets, stars and galaxies inform the architecture of the universe we know today? Seeing the Beginning of Time utilizes eye-popping high-resolution visuals to demonstrate the study of this evolution. The visuals in the film are a testament to the power of modern technologies in space mapping and exploration. With the use of...

from Top Documentary Films