Monday, June 29, 2020

8 Minutes and 46 Seconds: The Killing of George Floyd

8 Minutes and 46 Seconds: The Killing of George Floyd
From Brussels to New York City, the cries and chants of impassioned protesters have resounded throughout the globe. They seek to expose the continuing dominance of institutional racism and to foster meaningful reforms in law enforcement. This all comes in the aftermath of what many view as a sickening act of racially inspired violence. Produced by Sky News, the...

from Top Documentary Films

Friday, June 26, 2020

World War Two: Capitulation

World War Two: Capitulation
World War Two: Capitulation outlines the definitive steps which led to the end of the war. The film chiefly focuses on the battle to invade Berlin, which marked the final march of allied forces to defeat the Germans. As the Red Army made their advancements, Adolf Hitler was hidden away in a bunker. He was slow to accept the inevitability of defeat. The war was a...

from Top Documentary Films

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Breathtaking K2: The World's Most Dangerous Mountain

Breathtaking K2: The World's Most Dangerous Mountain
It stands ominously before its challengers at over 28,000 feet. The warriors who dare to scale its paralyzing crevasses want to touch the same clouds that hover slightly above its peak. Itќs an obsession that borderlines on the spiritual. The odds are stacked against them - in the past century, only 400 hundred souls have managed to reach the top. The distance...

from Top Documentary Films

Saturday, June 20, 2020

66 Meters: Rising Sea Levels

66 Meters: Rising Sea Levels
In the Baltic Sea near the coast of Germany, the remnants of an ancient settlement were found fully submerged underwater. Archeologists determined that these artifacts were over 7,000 years old. They were evidence of a civilization that was destroyed by the last catastrophic sea level rise. The documentary 66 Meters: Rising Sea Levels argues that we are quickly...

from Top Documentary Films

Monday, June 15, 2020

The Church: Code of Silence

The Church: Code of Silence
Despite its widespread exposure in recent years, the scourge of pedophilia in the church continues. The hierarchy in the Catholic Church is expert in disguising cases of abuse and protecting the perpetrators through relocation. The Church: Code of Silence explores these systemic cover-ups. The investigation leads the filmmakers through Cameroon, Argentina, Italy and...

from Top Documentary Films

Friday, June 12, 2020

Criminal Doctors: Auschwitz

Criminal Doctors: Auschwitz
The letter from Viktor Brack was written in a dispassionate and matter-of-fact tone. In it, he described the processes by which Jewish prisoners could be sterilized and castrated. It was addressed to Heinrich Himmler, a top ranking Nazi official and one of the chief masterminds behind the Holocaust. So much of the history of the Nazi Party is unimaginably gruesome....

from Top Documentary Films

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Human Zoos

Human Zoos
The missing link was unveiled to the public during the St. Louis Worldќs Fair in 1904. The scientific community devised a "human zoo" consisting of thousands of indigenous people who had been imported from remote regions in Africa. Darwin's influential theories on evolution had been published less than a half a century before, and many legitimate media outlets and...

from Top Documentary Films

Saturday, June 6, 2020

Chasing Coral

Chasing Coral
Richard Vevers has travelled the world documenting the disintegration of coral reefs. The Netflix feature length documentary Chasing Coral explores the evidence collected from these journeys and what it could mean for the future of our planet. Long fascinated by the wonders and mysteries of the underwater kingdom, Vevers became troubled by the diminishing quantities...

from Top Documentary Films

Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Silicon Valley's Online Slave Market

Silicon Valley's Online Slave Market
Up to 90% of households in Kuwait employ domestic workers. A government law passed in 2015 guaranteed these workers new rights, including one day off from work each week. In the aftermath of this new legislation, their employers became disgruntled by the limitations that were now imposed upon them. This marked the birth of a new industry boom – an online community...

from Top Documentary Films