Thursday, July 30, 2020

Secret Origin: The Story of DC Comics

Secret Origin: The Story of DC Comics
Every timeless comic book character - from Superman to Batman to Wonder Woman - benefits from a truly memorable origin story. Now, the company that introduced us to all of this characters and many others receives their own origin story with Secret Origin: The Story of DC Comics, a polished and obsessively watchable feature-length documentary that is destined to...

from Top Documentary Films

Monday, July 27, 2020

Jericho: The First City on Earth?

Jericho: The First City on Earth?
Among the first cities of the world, Jericho remains the most significant. It was the first truly communal settlement, the first to be surrounded by walls and to feature towers and steps. These are just a few of the fascinating insights featured in Jericho: The First City on Earth?, an illuminating documentary that feels like a living time capsule. Jericho was...

from Top Documentary Films

Friday, July 24, 2020

Democracy of the Gullible: The Internet Paradox

Democracy of the Gullible: The Internet Paradox
The internet has obviously infiltrated our daily lives, but how has it rewired our brains? We live in an age where flashy headlines lure us with outrageous claims, and even the most ill-informed comments and blog posts can sway public opinions. The filmmakers behind the intriguing new documentary Democracy of the Gullible: The Internet Paradox explore how the...

from Top Documentary Films

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

J.P. Morgan: How One Man Financed America

J.P. Morgan: How One Man Financed America
America's transition into a global financial superpower is unthinkable without the contributions of John Pierpont Morgan. J.P. Morgan: How One Man Financed America is a fast-paced and informative portrait of the banking giant whose financial prowess brought the country back from the brink on several occasions throughout history. Though he was a chronically sick...

from Top Documentary Films

Saturday, July 18, 2020

1000 AD: A Tour of Europe

1000 AD: A Tour of Europe
Awe-inspiring in its depth and ambition, 1000 AD: A Tour of Europe recounts the wealth of conflicts and defining moments that characterized the closing of the first millennium throughout the European continent. Amidst the uprisings and power transitions, much of the Europe we know today began to take shape during this tumultuous time period. The film begins in the...

from Top Documentary Films

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Meet the Mennonites

Meet the Mennonites
Much like the Amish, the Mennonites live a life of isolation from the outside world. They resist the temptations of the modern society by casting themselves away from it. As a result, outsiders have rarely enjoyed an insider's perspective on their daily existence. Meet the Mennonites pulls back the curtain and offers a rare glimpse into their simple and fascinating...

from Top Documentary Films

Sunday, July 12, 2020

The Nature of Ayahuasca

The Nature of Ayahuasca
A tropical vine found in the Amazon, Ayahuasca has long been both celebrated and stigmatized. When transformed into drinking form, the vine is reputed to offer potent healing and psychedelic potential. Once regarded as a niche form of holistic medicine, Ayahuasca has gained wider acceptance in recent times for its treatment of chronic pain, clinical depression and...

from Top Documentary Films

Wednesday, July 8, 2020

The Lost City of the Monkey God

The Lost City of the Monkey God
Long steeped in myth and folklore, La Mosquitia is located on the eastern section of Honduras. It's a region that's been whispered about for centuries. Almost entirely unpopulated by humans, its sprawling 32,000 square miles of mountains, rainforests and swamplands constitute one of the last unexplored patches on the globe. The probing documentary The Lost City of...

from Top Documentary Films

Thursday, July 2, 2020

Printing Out the World

Printing Out the World
The capabilities of three-dimensional printers have advanced rapidly in recent years. No longer limited to niche products, they are primed to transform the production of countless consumer goods. Printing Out the World examines this revolutionary phenomenon and what it might mean for industries across the world. In Berlin, at a company called BigRep, 3D printers are...

from Top Documentary Films