Wednesday, September 30, 2020

How Doggerland Sank Beneath the Waves

How Doggerland Sank Beneath the Waves
Enthusiasts of Prehistoric Northern European history will likely find great appeal in How Doggerland Sank Beneath the Waves, an informative look at an ancient land that is now submerged deep below the North Sea. The film calls upon a diverse array of sources to piece together the fascinating tale of this lost world in vivid detail. The region that connects Britain...

from Top Documentary Films

Sunday, September 27, 2020

Bhutan: Change Comes to the Himalayan Happy Kingdom

Bhutan: Change Comes to the Himalayan Happy Kingdom
The remote Himalayan kingdom of Bhutan appears and operates much as it did one hundred years ago. But the unavoidable seeds of change are beginning to blossom. Bhutan: Change Comes to the Himalayan Happy Kingdom is a complex examination of the crossroads between honoring the past and embracing the future. The villagers live by strongly-held traditions. They tend to...

from Top Documentary Films

Friday, September 25, 2020

K2 and the Invisible Footmen

K2 and the Invisible Footmen
K2 is perhaps the harshest mountain on Earth. Every year, ambitious climbers travel from across the globe for a chance to conquer these dangers. They derive great value and accomplishment from conquering the summit of this monstrous mountain. K2 and the Invisible Footmen explores the sacrifices of the unknown mountaineers - the porters who are paid measly wages to...

from Top Documentary Films

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

The Dead Sea Scrolls

The Dead Sea Scrolls
In the spring of 1947, hidden amidst the desert wasteland that is now known as the West Bank, three shepherds happened upon a series of ancient scrolls. Little did they know, their findings would soon constitute the greatest discovery in the history of biblical archeology. The Dead Sea Scrolls explores the history of these findings, examines what we've learned from...

from Top Documentary Films

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Right to Fail

Right to Fail
In Right to Fail, the PBS Frontline series teams up with ProPublica to investigate the relocation of mentally ill populations on the outskirts of New York City. The story brings up a series of moral questions involving an adult's right to determine their own fate, and the state's obligations to its citizenry. The city offers a variety of adult care homes for the...

from Top Documentary Films

Saturday, September 12, 2020

Bosom Bullies: Trump and Putin

Bosom Bullies: Trump and Putin
The two-part documentary Bosom Bullies: Trump and Putin recounts the labyrinth of accusations and evidence that may shed light on the complex relationship shared between two of the globe's most consequential leaders. The Russia story has dominated the first term of President Donald Trump and has been readily dismissed by both leaders. But watchdogs have long been...

from Top Documentary Films

Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Alexander the Great

Alexander the Great
Alexander the Great is the stuff of legend when it comes to ancient military history. Armed with youth, cunning and a brilliant tactical mind, his thirteen-year reign led to the formation of one of the largest empires the world has ever seen. The aptly titled Alexander the Great crafts the highlights of his extraordinary story with grand scope and meticulous...

from Top Documentary Films

Sunday, September 6, 2020

Hard to Believe

Hard to Believe
China boasts about their status as one of the world's top sources for organ harvesting and transplantation, yet they're suspiciously silent when it comes to revealing how these organs are procured. Hard to Believe attempts to delve into the heart of this dark medical mystery. Mounting evidence suggests that these organs have long been attained from unwitting...

from Top Documentary Films

Thursday, September 3, 2020

Supreme Revenge

Supreme Revenge
In Supreme Revenge, the award-winning PBS Frontline series delves into the bitter feuds over Supreme Court nominations during the Trump era. The theatrics that occurred during these confirmation hearings speak to the deep divides and disruptions that belie the modern day American political system. The Trump administration has been afforded an opportunity to...

from Top Documentary Films