Monday, March 29, 2021

The Meat Lobby: Big Business Against Health?

The Meat Lobby: Big Business Against Health?
This documentary delves into the process of producing meat behind the advertising of the delicious, pink and juicy meal staple so many of us enjoy. The central point is that the ham and some other meats are injected with sodium nitrite which might have adverse incremental effects on the body. We get to see the processing of the meat and hear the perspective of...

from Top Documentary Films

Friday, March 26, 2021

Hostile Planet: Mountains

Hostile Planet: Mountains
In this feature we get a unique glimpse of the grit it takes for mountain animals to survive in desolate and unforgiving circumstances. We are brought on a journey that takes us to the mountains of different countries to see how some of the species who make these places their habitat survive. The conditions they have to survive include extreme weather,...

from Top Documentary Films

Monday, March 22, 2021

3 Days that Stopped the World

3 Days that Stopped the World
This documentary follows the experience of two journalists trying to investigate the Covid-19 virus outbreak in Wuhan, China. They report on their experience investigating the outbreak three days before the first official lockdown. On the ground, they are initially surprised by the people's reactions while the government officials and news reports are trying to...

from Top Documentary Films

Friday, March 19, 2021

Gold: The Story of Man's 6000 Year Obsession

Gold: The Story of Man's 6000 Year Obsession
The story of gold is the story of civilizations. Its significance has remained constant throughout mankind. What is it about this precious metal that inspires such a level of confidence that generations of people have consistently used it as a method of exchange and measurement of wealth? Are there really no other known elements that can compare to this precious...

from Top Documentary Films

Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Life in a Day (2020)

Life in a Day (2020)
This is a fully crowdsourced documentary depicting precisely one full day on Planet Earth, specifically July 25, 2020, to be exact. Over 300,000 videos were submitted from about 190+ countries, all shot by a broad cross-section of the global population on their smartphones, drones, GoPros and more. The result is a never-ending treasure trove of humanity in its funny,...

from Top Documentary Films

Saturday, March 13, 2021

The Neanderthals: Tracking our Ancestors

The Neanderthals: Tracking our Ancestors
Neanderthals lived in Eurasia for thousands of years before Homo sapiens walked the Earth. Neanderthals were a species of ancient humans that survived for about 300,000 years before going extinct 40,000 years ago. Because they lived long ago, it has often been challenging to discover more about them. It was in 1829 when modern man first found evidence that...

from Top Documentary Films

Wednesday, March 10, 2021

The March of Freedom

The March of Freedom
What does it mean to be free? Academy award-winning actor Morgan Freeman leads viewers on a journey worldwide as he listens to the moving stories of five extraordinary individuals who fought hard to gain freedom in one form or another. It is a study of what freedom is, both as a concept and a human condition. The first two he meets show that freedom is a state of...

from Top Documentary Films

Sunday, March 7, 2021

Bitcoin: The End of Money as We Know It

Bitcoin: The End of Money as We Know It
The old saying "Money makes the world go around" rings true today and will most likely continue to do so until the end of time. But with the rise of Bitcoin, the future of money might potentially be web-based, non-physical, and decentralized, a radical departure from what we know of it today. Money is the one thing we have in common - no matter your nationality,...

from Top Documentary Films

Thursday, March 4, 2021

Iran and America Through History

Iran and America Through History
The long-standing estrangement between the United States and the Islamic Republic of Iran has been raging since the 1979 Iranian revolution when Islamic nationalists and extremely conservative Shia Muslim clerics deposed the American supported Mohammad Reza Pahlavi or the Last Shah of Iran. His replacement was Ayatollah Khomeini, a cleric who declared himself the...

from Top Documentary Films

Monday, March 1, 2021

Losing Sleep

Losing Sleep
Insomnia is common in at least 10 percent of all adults. Insomnia is defined by a strict criteria based on the frequency and impact it has on the person affected. This type of sleep deficiency affects people of all ages and there are many remedies on the market that propose to address it and give people the relief they need. The ability to get a good night's sleep is...

from Top Documentary Films